Paul of Venice and Realist Developments of Roger Swyneshed's Treatment of Semantic Paradoxes

Plato's Cratylus
The volume on Plato's dialogue dealing with semantics and ontology.
Leiden: Brill, 2022.

Sacramentum Magnum
Volume of essays by 16 international scholars on the medieval theology of marriage. The publication is the outcome of an international conference held in Prague in 2012;
Münster: Aschendorff-Verlag 2018, pp. 532

Stephen of Páleč’s Quaestio de esse aeterno. A study and critical edition

Studying the Arts in Late Medieval Bohemia
This volume is the first devoted entirely to the production, reception, and transmission of knowledge in the late medieval Prague Faculty of Arts, with important links to several other Faculties of Arts across Europe and treatments of related topics, such as studying the arts in Bohemia in the Jewish milieu.

The ‘Imagined Communities’ of Yom Tov Lipman Mühlhausen: Heresy and Communal Boundaries in Sefer Nizzahon

The Pseudo-Bernardine Epistola de cura rei familiaris and its Reception in Medieval Bohemia and Moravia

Thomas of Štítné's On the Householder (O Hospodářovi) and its Latin Model

What is in the Mirror? The Metaphysics of Mirror Images in Albert the Great and Peter Auriol

Zum Problem der Gattung des Seinden bei Marius Victorinus und im antiken Neuplatonismus
The article revises Pierre Hadot's influential hypothesis according to which some Neo-Platonic authors, such as Porphyry, Marius Victorinus, and Deuxippus presupposed a common genus of being or substance encompassing various ontological levels of Platonic universe.
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 160, 2 (2017)