Kateřina Kutarňová

Kateřina Kutarňová, Ph.D. (1984)


Post-doctoral fellow


Ph.D., Philosophy, Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, 2021.

M.A. (Mgr.), Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 2011.

B.A. (Bc.), Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 2008.

Contemporary Employment

Post-doctoral fellowship, Department for the Study of Ancient and Medieval Thought, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague.


Studies and Other Papers


‘Aquinas’s General Pattern of Spiritual Life: STh I–II, q. 1–17’, Studia Neoaristotelica: A Journal of Analytical Scholasticism 21:1 (2024), 27–49.

‘Philip of the Blessed Trinity on Mystical Knowledge: Peculiar Kinds of Species’, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 97:3 (2023), 339–359.

‘Philip of the Blessed Trinity’s Summa Theologiae Mysticae: Commentary on the Works of Teresa of Avila’, Teresianum 74:1 (2023), 119–143.

Reading Teresa of Ávila Through Aquinas: On the Soul, Spiritual Development and Knowledge (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2022), Ed. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Neue Folge, Band 92.

‘Reading Teresa’s Sixth Dwelling Places of the Interior Castle on Mystical Knowledge through Aquinas’. Scripta Theologica 54 (2022), 91–119.

‘Suffering for the Love of God: Adam, Job, Theotokos and Christ’, Cauriensia: Revista anual de Ciencias Eclesiásticas XIV (2019), 537–550.

‘Thomas Aquinas: Incarnate Spirit’, in Ladislava Říhová (ed.), Jednota v mnohosti/In pluribus unitas 2016 (Praha: Nakladatelství Luboš Marek pro HTF UK, 2018), 184–189.

‘The Structure of the Soul in St. Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle’, Angelicum 94:2 (2017), 387–411.


‘Introductory Essay’, in Tomáš Akvinský. Člověk jako tělo a duše v Telogické sumě , ST I, q. 75–76 (Praha: Krystal OP: 2017).


Tomáš Akvinský. O životě činném a kontemplativním v Teologické sumě (Krystal OP: Praha: 2020).

‘Tomáš Akvinský. Dary Ducha svatého v Teologické sumě’, Studia Theologica 21:3 (2019), 201–202.


Lopez, Antonio. ‘Bez počátku: Lidská svoboda a Boží všemohoucnost’, Communio: časopis pro křesťanskou kulturu 102:1 (2022), 54–74. (English – Czech)

Lacca, Emanuele. ‘Jak reagovat na pandemii a jak se s ní vyrovnat na osobní i společenské rovině: etická perspektiva’, Caritas et Veritas 11:1 (2021), 59–67. (English – Czech)

Tomáš Akvinský. Člověk jako tělo a duše v Telogické sumě, ST I, q. 75–76 (Praha: Krystal OP, 2017). (Latin – Czech)

Daniela Šterbáková. Myslet: komentář k novele Chůze a románům Staří Mistři a Mýcení Thomase Bernharda (Praha: FF UK, 2016). (Slovak – Czech)

Selected Conferences and Conference Papers

The Will Discourse in the Late Middle Ages. Medical University of Łódź (Poland). 20th –21st June 2024. Contribution: ‘Perfect Conformity to God’s Will and Freedom in Teresa of Ávila’ (invited lecturer).

What Can the Will Do? Ethical, Social and Political Perspectives in the Later Middle-Ages and Beyond (on-line conference). Medical University of Łódź (Poland) and University of Gothenburg (Sweden). Contribution: ‘Through Darkness to Knowledge: the Role of Will in Teresa of Avila’s Thought.’

Initiation and Mystagogy in Thomas Aquinas.Thomas Instituut te Utrecht, Nizozemí, 13 th –15 th December, 2018. Contribution: ‘Mystical Knowledge: the Desired End of Initiation and Mystagogy?’

Summer Program, Albertus Magnus Center for Scholastic Studies, Norcia, Italy. 17th–28 th June, 2018. Invited Lecture: ‘Suffering for the Love of God’.

Intelligence and Will in Thomas Aquinas. Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. 26th–27 th April, 2018. Contribution ‘Will: The Power to Reach God’.

Nature, Value and Normativity(workshop).Institut für Philosophie, Universität Bamberg, Německo – Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, TF JU, České Budějovice. 31 st May, 2017. Contribution: ‘What does Nurture our Nature? Our Body or Our Soul?’

Jednota v mnohosti/In pluribus unitas.Conference for PhD Candidates, HTF UK, Prague, 20th–23 rd October, 2016. Contribution: ‘Thomas Aquinas: Incarnate Spirit’.

Grants and Projects

Grant project: Kontexty současné teologie, GA JU 157/2016/H. Principal researcher: Michal Opatrný, Dr. Theol. Co-investigator.

Grant project: St. Teresa of Avila’s Teaching on Soul, GA JU 074/2016/H. Principal researcher.